That night has arrived, after a
prolonged and agonizing wait:
he would embrace her in his arms
while her bangles would make
a jingling dance into his maze-
a passage, never trodden before
the core only touched once
a haven etched with her name
for all the lives to ever come...
With dewy eyes, enmeshed in kohl
her tresses touching her anklets,
bridled with the aroma of jasmine
they accompany her in her wait-
in ardour and pure ecstasy
her eyes refused to close since
the day before, lest he arrives
at her abode premature...
Impassioned in the fire of
love for her beloved,
she dreams of his
approaching footsteps,
narrating their tales to
the village belles carrying
pots of water and hay...
The dusk arrives as the
sun merges with the ocean,
He comes and passes by her
while She falls asleep
at the steps of her doorway
for just a brief moment...
By Nandini Sengupta
{*Inspired by raag Jaya Jayanti. The raag narrates the story of Radha and Krishna. Radha waits for her beloved Krishna. She feels guilty for having closed her eyes at that very moment while he had arrived at her doorstep...}