I will not sleep for hundred years
for the raging soul aspires to be
poetry of your endless nights
a dreamer of your dreams.
I will not sleep for hundred years
for your love searches the divine in me
when sinews of your prophetic verses
coil around my corporal being.
When those diaphanous words
will spill your upturned folios
when every letter will reverberate with love
my essence will find its core
your name, its long-awaited purpose.
Those hundred years then
evaporate in time and space
those nights sing in harmony
while you behold me in your embrace
and I repose till eternity...
By Nandini Sengupta
How the words flow from your pen, like pearls on a velvet sheet, rolling down with such ease and grace! I'd call this piece 'A Thousand Years of Beauty', such is the skillful weaving of emotions in this piece. A grand canvas painted in love! Truly mesmerizing.
Beautyful poetry
Omg omg love is blooming in your poetry ❣️❣️
Beautifully penned words for another poet....